Home Education Resources


Everyone needs a bit of inspirtion now and then, so here are the home education resources we have collected, created and used over the years.

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One of the key components of our home educating ethos is 'unschooling', or the absence of any structured, planned learning over a period of time, like you see in traditional schools.  However, that doesn't mean that we disregard work books, work sheets or other materials with a set outcome.  Instead, we use them in an organic way, at a time that fits with our routine and where our travels have taken us.  For instance, if we have visited a Roman archeological site, we might then incorporate a word search linked to the Romans, or write a report on a Roman Emporer.  To help with this we have collected and created a large library of materials and resources, that we would love to share with other home ed families, educators, or anyone with a thrist for learning.

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To help you find the home education resources you need, please browse through the categories below.







Drawing & Symmetry


Arts and Crafts

